采访对象:Gensler上海办事处总监 --Tim Etherington
Gensler上海办事处总监 --Tim Etherington,作为今年大师选助手的12位大师之一,亲自来挑选Gensler的新鲜血液。可以在一家重视创意设计和创新思维的全球杰出事务所工作,在多元文化的氛围下与世界知名公司进行跨领域的设计工作是机会更是挑战,你准备好了吗?今天有幸与Tim Etherington交流,让你进一步了解Tim Etherington、了解Gensler,为你能抓住这个机会增加筹码。
Tim: I think of design as an expandable territory where different disciplines, ideas, forms and sensations can collide, merge and grow. A space that is open to everything and everyone. However to work within this territory a designer must retain a sense of purpose and moral value. Design has to have an inherent truth otherwise it becomes disingenuous decoration.
Tim: We are defined by our experiences, good or bad, through education, our beliefs, where we we’re raised, who raised us, etc. The question is how do we craft and evolve those experiences into meaningful and useful inspiration. Inspiration is the lifeblood of design which leads to purposeful exploration, a process and finally a solution.