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重新解读:时代的标志 2011北京设计师沙龙活动

点击: 30500 次 来源: 时间: 2011-07-01
























        东帝士集团创于1948年,企业通过扩大经营范围和海外投资规模,已成为一个跨国性的企业集团。拥有40年地毯制造经验的东帝士公司1994年在江苏太仓设厂,总资产3.5 亿人民币,厂房占地面积10万平方米,是中国第一家专业的方块地毯工厂,拥有18台世界先进的电脑数控簇绒机、2条PVC方块毯烘干线、BCF纱线的抽丝机,年生产量超过800万平方米。东帝士作为国内第一家方块毯通过CRI认证的企业,将环保概念引入生产的每一个环节,先后获得了国际环保地毯认证、中国环保地毯认证、ISO14001:2004环保体系认证、ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证等多项国内外环保认证。2008年与美国博优地毯公司合作研发了具有空气净化技术的东帝士博优地毯,并于2010年实现地毯回收再生利用。





         英威达是全球最大的聚合物和纤维综合生产商之一,主要生产尼龙、氨纶、以及涤纶等纤维产品。公司业务覆盖面遍及全球20余个国家。英威达的全球业务凭借对市场的深入了解、技术的革新、以及享誉全球的知名品牌和商标组合,为客户提供超卓的价值。英威达知名品牌与注册商标包括:ADI-PURE®、ANTRON®、AVORA®、C12™、COMFOREL®、COOLMAX®、CORDURA®、CORFREE®、DACRON®、DBE®、DYTEK®、FRESHFX™、LYCRA®、PERFORMA™、POLARGUARD®、POLYSHIELD®、POLYCLEAR®、SOLARMAX®、STAINMASTER®、SUPPLEX®、SUPRIVA®、TACTEL®、TACTESSE®、TERATE®、TERATHANE® 以及THERMOLITE®。




Reinterpretation: a sign of the times

2011 Beijing Designers’ Salon



The designers’ salon with the theme of “2011 Color Trend Release, Reinterpretation: a sign of the times”, organized by INVISTA and Tuntex Group and co-organized by Interior Design China magazine, was successfully held in "Zun" Club on the night of June 23th in Beijing Workers' Stadium. Although Beijing's traffic almost came to a standstill because of the biggest thunderstorm this year and many major roads were blocked due to collected water, the salon still attracted many designers coming.   


INVISTA, as one of the largest integrated fibers and polymers companies around the world released in the salon the 2011 color trend through professional industry research and analysis and macro point of view. Ms. Jin, the marketing manager of INVISTA, made a splendid presentation on the topic of” Reinterpretation: a sign of the time”, which brought designers forward looks and thinkings about color trend and also explored the root of color trends and design trends. The speech is sang high praised for by the designers.


In the salon, as the first green carpet manufacturer in China, Tuntex Group also made a speech on Green. The selection of the Eco-Friendly Material, energy recycling in the production process, and even the recycling treatment after being used, all are based on the concept of environmental protection, which was very impressive to the designers.


The designers also actively participate in the DIY part, with the use of nonwoven fabric of different colours, to finish creative production. The design works were unexpectedly diversified and vivid. Some designers integrated the characteristicsof the organizers in the works. For example, a designer called Liu Runze created a sofa with 3 pieces of cloth. The seat of the sofa represented Invista, the back referred to Tuntex, and the middle part was Interior Design China, which meant the bridge. The creation was elaborated by Ms. Jenny: the seat and back refered to Tuntex and designers respectivly, and the brace on the back was Invista. This explanation won great applause from the designers, showing the designers’ understanding of the unknown efforts and support of the product developers. The creative works also included reusable bags, pen container, flowers and tiny furnitures and etc. Some designers worked out slippers, hat and boat out of the inspiration of the thunderstorm.

 Every designer showed great interest, and they also shared their ideas, creativity and imagination which reflected green idea.

The salon ended up in very nice atmosphere. The designers gave away their works to each others as happy as kids. The organizers also received many gifts from the deisgners, with mutual good wishes for each other.



About Tuntex

Tuntex created in 1948,the company has become a multinational enterprise group by expanding the business scope and scale of overseas investment. Located at Taicang, SUZHOU TUNTEX FIBER & CARPET CO.,LTD. was established in 1994, by 100% foreign investment…Tuntex Carpet Taiwan which has more than 40-year history on producing broadloom carpets. The total assets of TUNTEX CARPET amount to RMB 350 million, With a plant site of 100,000 square meter,With 18 sets of advanced computer numerical control machine tufted,2 PVC box carpet drying line,BCF yarn spinning machine and have an annual yield of 8 million square meter. Tuntex as the first box of carpet companies certified by the CRI and introduced the concept of environmental protection in every aspect of production.Carpet has won international environmental certification, China's environmental protection carpet certification, ISO14001: 2004 environmental system certification, ISO9001: 2000 quality management system certification and many other domestic environmental certification. 2008 Beaulieu carpet and the United States developed in cooperation with the air purification technology East Timor Shibo excellent carpet and rugs for 2010 Recycling.

For more information, please visit Tuntex official website: www.tuntex-carpet.com



INVISTA is one of the largest integrated polymers and fibers producers in the world which main production is nylon, spandex and polyester fiber products. Company's business  coverage of more than 20 countries worldwide. INVISTA's global businesses with in-depth understanding of the market, technological innovation, and world-renowned brand and trademark portfolio to provide customers with exceptional value. INVISTA brands and trademarks include: ADI-PURE®、ANTRON®、AVORA®、C12™、COMFOREL®、COOLMAX®、CORDURA®、CORFREE®、DACRON®、DBE®、DYTEK®、FRESHFX™、LYCRA®、PERFORMA™、POLARGUARD®、POLYSHIELD®、POLYCLEAR®、SOLARMAX®、STAINMASTER®、SUPPLEX®、SUPRIVA®、TACTEL®、TACTESSE®、TERATE®、TERATHANE® and THERMOLITE®.

For more information, please visit INVISTA official website:www.INVISTA.com



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