宝冢已扬起白帆 Mountais and Opening Home
文:sam 编辑:Sarah 设计:Eastern Design Office 摄影:Koichi Torimura
The outside (exterior) mountain is formed into a mound by piling up soil excavated from the slope. The surface of the mound is a type of raw material made from crushed marble called “Kansui”. Glittering fragments of crushed marble on a whity surface shine brilliantly.
Eastern Design Office由两位成员组成——中村安娜与神乃太阳(Anna Nakamura and Taiyo Jinno)。2000年初他们曾参加过天津和国内其它城市的建筑竞赛并获得成绩,2005年后专攻日本国内设计私人住宅。 初见这个房子,脑中会闪现“飞扬跋扈”的概念。通常山坡上的小别墅总是很有风情,或是融于自然之类的小木屋。但以这个角度而言,它则是一反常态。