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点击: 55340 次 来源: 美国室内设计中文网 时间: 2021-04-08

Interior Design China








4月7日晚,为庆祝中国和比利时建交五十周年,以及比利时basalte公司进驻大中华地区10周年,比利时巴萨公司basalte在京举行了庆典的启动仪式。比利时王国驻华大使高洋先生Jan Hoogmartens、驻华公使衔联邦商务参赞索菲亚女士Hottat Sophie、公共外交参赞冯云汉先生Johan van Hove、商务二秘任玛迪女士Mathilde Renard,比利时东弗兰德省驻华首席代表张弛先生homeman,以及比利时basalte公司中国区总裁雷槟先生Ray与来自中国室内装饰协会刘珝先生、张丽会长和《Interior Design》中文版出版人赵虎先生,汇同著名设计师梁建国先生、孟也先生、邓宏乐先生、陈亮先生、董强先生、唐云女士、刘威先生、盛永娜女士、范轶先生和邵沛先生共同出席了庆典的启动仪式。


On the evening of April 7, 2020, Basalte helds a ceremony to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomacy relations between China and Belgium in Beijing and 10th anniversary of basalte’s entry into China. The ambassador of Belgium embassy in China - Mr. Jan Hoogmartens; the minister and federal commercial counsellor of Belgium - Mrs. Hottat Sophie; the public diplomacy counsellor of Belgium - Mr. Johan Van Hive; the second commercial secretary of Belgium - Mrs. Mathilde Renard; the chief representative of the Belgian province of east Flanders in China - Mr. Zhang Chi homeman; the president of basalte China – Mr. Ray; the honorary president and the president of China national interior decoration association - Mr. Liu Yi and Mrs. Zhang Li; the publisher of 《Interior Design》in China – Mr. Zhao Hu and famous interior designers of Mr. Liang Jianguo, Mr. Meng Ye, Mr. Deng Hongle, Mr. Chen Liang, Mr. Dong Qiang, Mrs. Tang Yun, Mr. Liu Wei, Mrs. Sheng Yongna, Mr. Fan Yi and Mr. Shao Pei attended the launching ceremony of the celebration.





比利时王国驻华大使高洋先生Jan Hoogmartens高度评价了中比建交五十周年来的成就,对今后两国人民的友好交流充满信心。对今年10月下旬将举办的中比建交五十周年庆典充满期待。高洋先生Jan Hoogmartens感谢中国室内装饰协会对两国设计交流做出的突出贡献,同时亲笔签名,为著名设计师梁建国颁发了“中比建交五十周年首席特邀总设计师”的证书。


Mr. Jan Hoogmartens, the ambassador of Belgium in China spoke highly of the achievements have made within 50 years of the establishment of diplomacy relations between China and Belgium and expressed full of confidence in the future friendly exchanges between two countries, and looks forward to the 50th anniversary celebration event of the establishment of diplomacy relations between China and Belgium to be held in late October. Mr. Jan Hoogmartens expressed appreciation to China national interior decoration association for its outstanding contribution to the design exchange between the two countries and presented the certificate of "invited chief designer for the 50th anniversary of diplomacy relations between China and Belgium" to the international well-known designer Mr. Liang Jianguo with his signature.


高洋先生Jan Hoogmartens为梁建国先生颁发证书




The president of China national interior decoration association Mrs. Zhang Li made a speech of reviewing her experience during her visit in Belgium, Basalte and Ghent University of Belgian province of east Flanders, and expressed her appreciation and gratitude to their support to China interior decoration industry.




比利时basalte公司中国区总裁雷槟先生表示,将举办现代家庭科技融入中国室内设计的系列活动,推进两国建筑科技与室内设计的深度融合。比利时basalte公司是比利时专注于家庭科技设计研发与生产的高科技公司,自2018年至2020年连续三年被国际权威媒体《Interior Design》评为"Global Top Home Technology and Design 全球顶级家庭科技与设计"。秉持“简单诠释完美”的设计理念,basalte产品获得全球46项国际奖项,产品质量精湛。尤为重要的是,随着basalte领先科技的不断更新,basalte home 家庭科技系统,拥有着全球同类产品最佳的性价比,顶级品牌,强大的功能,直观简洁的客户体验,以及令人惊叹的最佳预算。


Mr. Ray, the president of Basalte China expressed a series of coming activities of to integrate modern home technology into Chinese interior design aim to promote the deep integration of building science and technology construction and interior design of two countries. Belgium basalte is a high-tech company focusing on design, development and production of home automation technology. From 2018 to 2020, it has been rated as "Global Top Home Technology and Design" by the international authoritative media 《Interior Design》 for three consecutive years. By upholding the design concept of "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.", basalte products have won 46 international awards with exquisite product quality. More importantly, with the continuous update of basalte's leading technology, the Basalte Home – home automation technology system reveals the best cost performance, top brand, powerful functions, intuitive and simple customer experience, and amazing budget worldwide.


雷槟先生与高洋先生Jan Hoogmartens







Mr. Ray, Mr. Zhang Chi Homeman and Mr. Zhao Hu together with Belgium embassy diplomats signed and issue certificate of "invited designer for the 50th anniversary of diplomacy relations between China and Belgium " to Chinese desigers of Mr. Meng Ye, Mr. Deng Hongle, Mr. Chen Liang, Mr. Dong Qiang, Mrs. Tang Yun, Mr. Liu Wei, Mrs. Sheng Yongna, Mr. Fan Yi and Mr. Shao Pei.




















活动的举办地TRB Hutong 比利时米其林餐厅在嵩祝寺内,离故宫仅百米之遥。为600多年前明王朝永乐古迹。康熙帝曾邀请二世章嘉活佛入驻嵩祝寺讲经传教并进行宗教仪式活动。解放后这里由于历史原因被改建为几个不同的厂房。21世纪后,经历5年时间修缮,于2012年获得联合国教科文组织亚太地区文化遗产保护奖。


This event is held in TRB Hutong, a Belgian Michelin restaurant within Songzhu Temple, which is 100 meters away from the Forbidden City with historical site of the Ming Dynasty more than 600 years ago. Emperor Kangxi once invited the second living buddha Zhangjia to Songzhu Temple for preaching sutras and carry out religious rituals. After the liberation it was converted into several different factories for historical reasons, with five years of restoration in 21st century, it won the UNESCO Asian pacific cultural heritage conservation award in 2012.

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