点击: 30845 次 来源: id-china.com.cn 时间: 2010-03-26
Art. 5 参赛要求
Participation in the competition is open to subjects born subsequently to 1 January 1968 who meet the requirements set forth below:
a) Italian and/or foreign designers, architects, and engineers duly registered with their respective professional associations, independent designers, and designers working in a subordinate capacity if duly authorized by their companies. DOLCN.com
b) students enrolled at the Faculties of Architecture or Engineering or in a design institute.
Teams of competitors from both categories may participate; in this case, the team must appoint a team leader who will be the sole person in charge and the referent for dealings with Consorzio PMI. Participation by members of the Jury, their family members, and employees of Consorzio PMI is expressly prohibited.
Art. 6 Novelty of Projects
The projects submitted to the competition must be never before published and developed expressly for the competition. Any disputes concerning the originality of the projects shall be submitted to the Design Jury for settlement.
Art. 7 Plans – Project Material
For each project, the contestant/s must submit no. 2 or more plates (mounted on stiff backing), 50 x 70 cm in size, containing at least one technical drawing in an adequate scale illustrating the project as a whole and the construction details.
Color may be used. Together with the plates, the contestant must submit a short report describing the project motivations and characteristics, including a description of the materials and any other data felt to be pertinent and useful; said report must be submitted in A4 format and must not exceed three single sides.
Contestants are granted the faculty to illustrate their projects with other drawings or images, which must in any case be contained in the plates as described above or in the report.
Each plate and the report must be marked with the identification code that will be sent to each participant by email after he/she has submitted the completed online registration form, available at the competition website (see Art. 8).
All the material submitted must also be copied onto a digital CD in .pdf and/or .jpg format.
Art. 8 Identification and Confidentiality
Each participant must submit two sealed envelopes, with no distinguishing signs on the exterior except for the designations “Envelope A” and “Envelope B”.
Envelope A must contain: www.dolcn.com
- the form containing the personal data of the project author/s;
- self-certification with attached copy of the participant’s identification card guaranteeing under his/her own responsibility that the project submitted is an new, original work made by the participant him/herself and that said project in no way infringes on any prior author’s rights;
- a statement granting the consortium the right of option, for the duration of one year from the date of the minutes of the jury, and the guaranteeing participant’s commitment to assume responsibility for any consequences resulting from legal actions brought by third parties concerning the originality of the project/s.
Envelope B must contain:
- the technical project as explained in Art. 7 above, with indication of the identification code received by the participant by email following registration at www.toscanadesigncompetition.it
Art. 8-bis Competition Procedure
At the time of the competition, the envelopes marked “B” will be opened first to permit examination and evaluation of the submitted projects.
The envelopes marked “A” will be opened only after the projects have been judged.
We hereby invite all those interested in participating to register and to fill in and submit the competition forms, available at the competition website .
Art. 9 Use Rights
Consorzio PMI reserves the right of option on use of the projects submitted to the competition, for a period of one year from the date of the minutes of the jury session.
During this period, PMI will decide whether or not to put the articles into production; in that case, economic relations with the designer/project author will be governed by a specific contract drafted in observance of ADI valuation criteria.
Consorzio PMI herewith agrees not to modify any submitted project in any manner, without the express consent of the project author.
Participants enjoy the faculty to protect their works by registration or patent. ADI offers project authors who wish to so protect their works the opportunity to register their projects with the “Project Register” at especially favorable conditions. www.dolcn.com
Art. 10 截止日期
All project material must be delivered in unmarked (anonymous) packaging, no later than 5:00 p.m. on 15 July 2008, by postal delivery and/or courier service, with advice of receipt, to:
P.M.I scarl Agenzia di Promozione del Mobile Imbottito
P.za Garibaldi 5 - 51100 Pistoia
tel. 0573 991728 fax 0573 991740
e-mail: info@toscanadesignconpetition.it - Referer: Fabrizia Calvano
The Competition Secretariat guarantees that project acceptance will be treated anonymously.
Should delivery be made by means of carriers (postal service or private courier), the material must be sent by the above-mentioned date and time (as attested by the postmark or delivery note). Material arriving, due to shipping delays, later than 10 days from the date established for delivery cannot be accepted.
Art. 11 Results Information and Publication
Consorzio PMI hereby pledges to present the initiative in the national press and publicize and valorize the results of the competition in the manners it feels most suitable.
All participants hereby authorize PMI to display their projects at an exhibition which, if held, will be held no later than 31 December 2008.
The participants also hereby authorize PMI to publish their projects in a catalogue, book, and/or in the specialized press, if so decided; the participants shall be entitled to no remuneration for this service beyond mention of the author’s/authors’ names.
Participants not receiving awards are hereby nevertheless granted the faculty to request, within 15 days from communication of the results of the competition, that their works not be published/exhibited.
Consorzio PMI will communicate the results of the competition by email within 30 days of the end of same and will notify the ten winners by registered letter.
Art. 12 Return of Contest Materials
All the materials relative to projects not awarded prizes may be picked up by the authors at Consorzio PMI from 30 November through 23 December 2008.
Upon expiry of said term, the trustee shall be implicitly authorized to not preserve any materials still in their possession and to proceed with destruction of same.
The materials relative to winning projects will be retained by PMI until the expiry of the option period granted them, except by different agreement among the parties.
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