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点击: 30668 次 来源: 时间: 2011-08-02

3) ART DECO 气象纹套几/ ART DECO Meteorological Grain
尺 寸/Size: 51 x 51 x 75 cm, 36 x 36 x 53 cm, 26 x 26 x 38 cm
材 料/Material :细木工板,密度板,实木, 富美家®高级装饰耐火板 —— 艾利斯胡桃木 5997NT
Blockboard, MDF, Solid wooden, Formica® High Pressure Laminate - Silent Walnut 5997NT
年代/Year: 2010
以30年代盛行的Art deco风格作为家具设计理念,沿袭原有的设计契形与装饰细节,用新的木纹贴面材料仿制老式实木套几,细节的装饰纹样灵感来自上海Art deco建筑的局部装饰浮雕.新的材料,老的契形,诞生了这套家具.The idea comes from Art deco style which was popular in the 30’s. It follows its original design and decorative details. New generic wood veneer material is used to copy the old solid wooden table suit. The inspiration of decoration comes from local decorative relief on Shanghai Art deco buildings. New material, old style, leads to the birth of this furniture.


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