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Shanghai Hongqiao Transportation Hub

点击: 32161 次 来源: www.id-china.com.cn 时间: 2010-08-26

The total area of Shanghai Hongqiao Transportation Hub is 26.26 thousand square kilometers. It is a world-class and super large transport hub integrated various transportation modes including track (high-speed railway, suburban railway, metro, magnetic), road (bus, and private cars), and air (airport). Because different facilities are highly integrated into Hongqiao transportation Hub, there is a large of transfers among the different facilities such as transfer form airport to magnetic, airport to railway, and magnetic to railway, and there are sixty-four possible approaches to connect with subway, bus, cars and public parking lots. There are fifty-six types of transfer modes.

Commercial Area of Departure Flour

Waiting Area of Departure Flour

Waiting Area of Departure Flour

Arriving Flour

Baggage Claim Area


Hongqiao transportation hub deals with 1.1 million daily passenger trips and sixty-four thousand passenger transfers. Hongqiao transportation hub is unique in the world whether according to the quantities of transfer modes or according to the scale of the architecture. Hongqiao transportation hub will be the largest railway station in the world at the end of 2010.



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