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创造 • 遇见 花都中轴

点击: 40182 次 来源: 时间: 2019-08-06

“ A true great man of talent is inthe process of work feel most happy.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

“ 一个有真正大才能的人却在工作过程中感到最高度的快乐。”






The place of work changes with the work form.




Thinking about the proposition of life in the square ofancient sages, which is the work of ideal and internal driving;Modern large-scale integrated assembly line shuttling grid, management-oriented work in industrial commercial economy;

The future workplace is free , comfortable and transparent multi-functional guidance.



本案办公空间设计的重心是:关注办公空间里 人思考的空间需求,引导创造办公环境里的 视觉体感 及 办公行为模式 。


The core value of this office interior design :  pay attention to the space needs of people thinking in the office space, guide and create the visual sense and office behavior mode in the office environment.


花都中轴场景 外立面


使办公者工作中获得精神的高度集中,产生工作“心流”—— 创造 • 遇见 办公室,为花都中轴未来办公的可能性作尝试。

To get a high concentration of spirit in work and generate work "flow" —— Create• Spark Office, for Huadu axis future office possibilities.




First encounter Theoriginal space




对的  它将是个四面敞亮通透之地


Light is the mood of architecture

Simulate the layout according to the daylight track

See, it will be openand transparent on all four sides



创造 空间格局视野 

>>>CreateThe vision of spatial pattern<<<


二次裁剪 退让 重组

Vertical knifecutting away

Yield and Reorganization








Subtraction is complicated

Whole thick and jointed smallpox upper cover connected the space

Ease compartment fragmentation



连贯轻放 处理视线落点



Inclined to box

Consistently handleline of sight drop

Create a comfortable and clear visual experience






遇见 专注工作体验

I can focus on my work here




地毯天花与落地玻璃 推出 分明区域


Environmental psychology shows that spatial distance has functional orientation

Make use of the suggestive areas of distance




围两个高处矩盒  平行高低

深度办公或 灵感攫取


The two boxes at thetop echo each other

We can work deep orcapture inspiration there




JLa pays more attention to the balance of physical rigor of space and office psychology:Office work requires distinct personal Spaces for deep thinking.




以铺地材料为域线,有宽阔自由,也有格子办公高度集中个人精力,排列松紧带来积极的空间暗示:鼓励、接纳 不同的办公状态。


With paving material as the domain line, it gives the positive spatialimplications : encouraging and accepting different office conditions.



创造 预见 办公行为模式引导

>>>  Create & Predict

Office behavior model guidance<<<


办公环境并不止有专注奋斗,也需要开阔区域给团队进行集中讨论。空间里有意创造能使 个人 和 集体 产生遇见和交流的条件 —— 两盒子对空间的界定,为团体讨论提供多角度沟通交汇的可能。


Spaces intentionally create conditions that allow individuals and groups to meet and communicate —— The space definition of the two boxes provides the possibility ofmulti-angle communication.





Work is an indispensable form and test in life, which imperceptibly solidifies and guides people's acquired behavior and thinking mode. 


In Goethe's words, the highestlevel of happiness is also the pleasure of whole heartedly shaping ourselves in our work.








In the Create • Spark Office,different positions are enclosed for discussion and the public area is connected, movement lines are reserved for communication , so as to develop the employees' comfortable perception and efficient behavior patterns.



办公空间设计力点 Summary of design





三,总格局和谐共通,办公行为权重预测、形态融洽以及行为引导,化单线维度的视觉和沟通为 多线复合动线维度。



1, Vision and somatosensity broaden the circle of public space and mobilize the flexibility of the disposable area


2, Reserve personal office experience space with high concentration to provide necessary conditions for deep work


3,The vision and communication of single line dimension are transformed intomulti-line composite moving line dimension.



The floor plan 平面图 


遇见 未来

未来AI或会全面替代办公中快速重复的工作内容,高效精准生产下,人类的劳动剩余价值似乎变得丰厚且无用…… 但历史轨迹的演进给我们足够信心:人类无有可取代的情感力和思考,应对创造未来办公的样子。 


The trajectory of history gives us confidence that humanity has the emotional power to face the future.



花都中轴呈现的 更关注人性思考、相信团队协作无限可能性 而营造的办公行为生态,或能为此提供一些价值参考。


The office shows more attention to human thinking, believe in the infinite possibilities , which may provide some valuable references for the future.



【 项目信息 】

项目名称| 创造 • 遇见 花都中轴

项目类型| 办公室

项目业主| 广东保利

项目面积| 620 sq.m

设计总监| 刘家耀

设计团队| 余秋霞、陈雪仪

技术团队| 黎明华、赖傲敏、刘小凤

空间摄影 | 冯健  

平面文案| 朱家健 郑雪

完成时间 | 2019年5月

商务热线 | 83545961







JLa設計集團 (JAMES LIANG & ASSOCIATES LIMITED)由香港著名設計師梁曦文先生,於1989年在香港創立。“自律與尊重”是JLa的發展之道,集團經營主體涵蓋:城市規劃與建築設計、室內裝飾設計、軟裝陳設、公共藝術四大版塊。

JLa Design Group (JAMES LIANG & ASSOCIATES LIMITED) was founded in Hong Kong in 1989 by Mr. Liang Xiwen, a famous designer in Hong Kong. "Self-discipline and respect" is the way of JLa's development. The group's main business body covers four sections: urban planning and architectural design, interior decoration design, soft furnishings and public art.




After nearly 30 years of steady operation, JLa Design Group has gradually established a mature operation system and a stable business market, successively established branches in Chengdu, Xiamen, Wuhan Macao and Chongqing, and Guangzhou as the domestic operation headquarters.


【 代表作品 】














JLa創意教育  創始人


AIC 國際藝術與設計產業研究中心  亞太運營基地 主任






梁曦文(James Liang)先生1989年畢業於香港教育學院,擁有多年在崗教學經驗。秉承“自律與尊重”作为處事原則,並將其確定為JLa的立業精神,帶領夥伴三十年內主持近千個海內外優秀項目。熱心公益、溫潤執著,以及對設計事業的熱愛與堅持,成就了他和他的JLa設計集團,被業界權威媒體譽為“設計紳士&平衡大師”。 


Mr. Liang graduated from the Hong Kong Institute of Education in 1989 and has many years of on-the-job teaching experience.  Adhering to the principle of "self-discipline and respect", and defining it as the spirit of JLa, we have led our partners to host nearly 1,000 excellent projects at home and abroad in the past 30 years.  Enthusiasm for public welfare, gentleness and perseverance, as well as the love and perseverance of the design cause, have made him and his JLa Design Group, which has been praised by the authoritative media of the industry as "Design Gentleman-Master of Balance".




刘家耀,香港JLa设计集团 设计总监,2017金堂奖年度最佳展示空间、2017筑巢奖最佳公共文化空间金奖、2018 TROPHY AWARD商业和办公类别卓越奖获得者,中国设计新势力榜全国TOP10青年设计师。




Melody Lau , Director of Design, JLa Design Group, Hong Kong, is the winner of the Golden Hall Award for Best Display Space and Nesting Award for Best Public Cultural Space in 2017. His works are diverse in style and pay attention to artistic expression and integration in design, which makes the space rich in humanistic flavor and connotation.


作为一名跨界设计师,他曾参与不同范畴的项目设计与管理。多年多元化的设计背景使他相信:保持多维度的设计思考及丰富的感观文化体验,比设计的风格与技巧更为重要—— 在空间设计中善用品牌运营策略,并最终以服务客户和用户体验作为目标,方可设计出商业与人文艺术价值兼具的作品。

As a cross-border designer, he has participated in project design and management in different fields.  The diversified design background for many years convinced him that it was more important to maintain multi-dimensional design thinking and rich experience of sensory culture than design style and skills. Only by using good brand operation strategy in space design and ultimately serving customers and user experience as the goal, could we design a combination of commercial and humanistic artistic values. Works of art.


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