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法兰克福国际灯光照明及建筑物技术与设备展(Light + Building)即将开幕

点击: 34275 次 来源: 时间: 2024-02-08

With just a few weeks to go before the doors open, Light + Building can boast yet another increase in exhibitor numbers. So far, over 2,130 companies have registered to present their innovative solutions and trends at the world’s leading trade fair for lighting and building-services technology in Frankfurt am Main from 3 to 8 March 2024. At the beginning of March, Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre will be the meeting place for the lighting and building-services technology sectors. The level of internationality among the over 2,130 exhibitors has reached 77 percent. After Germany, the majority of exhibitors come from Italy, China, Turkey, Spain, Poland, Austria, the Netherlands, Great Britain, France and Greece. Light + Building is the international meeting place for manufacturers from the fields of lighting, electrical engineering, home and building automation and connected security technology from March 3 to 8, 2024. The focus is on solutions for the sustainable, safe and comfortable use of homes and buildings. A visit to the trade fair will be an experience thanks to the huge range of talks, specialist lectures, presentations and award ceremonies. “Trade fairs mirror markets. And Light + Building directly reflects the latest developments in the sector. In the field of building-services technology, the subjects of the source, independence and storage of energy have become increasingly important over recent years. Accordingly, these topics are also growing in significance at Light + Building with the number of exhibitors showing such products and services increasing and new companies discovering the world's leading trade fair for themselves,” says Johannes Möller, Director Brand Management Light + Building.  



法兰克福国际灯光照明及建筑物技术与设备展览会(Light + Building)即将于2024年3月3至8日于法兰克福展览中心开幕,共吸引了超过 2,130家展商展示其创新解决方案和发展趋势,为全球照明及建筑行业人士提供了一个优质的商贸平台。据统计,参展商国际化程度已高达 77%,除德国外,主要来自意大利、中国、土耳其、西班牙、波兰、奥地利、荷兰、英国、法国和希腊。2024年Light + Building将成为照明、电气工程、家居和楼宇自动化以及联网安全技术领域制造商的行业聚会。本次展会将重点聚焦于住宅和楼宇的可持续、安全和舒适使用解决方案。现场还将举办一系列丰富活动,包括主题讲座、专家演讲、产品展示和颁奖仪式。Light + Building展会总监Johannes Möller先生表示:“展会是市场的映射, Light + Building能展示出照明与建筑领域的最新发展。近年来,在建筑服务技术领域,能源的来源、独立性和储存问题变得越来越重要。作为世界领先的展会,Light + Building会更加重视建筑服务技术领域,相关参展商数量也在不断增加,相信未来行业会有更多新鲜血液加入。”

Light + Building covers the spectrum from intelligent lighting technology to future-oriented home and building-services technology. (Sources: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH)






At the Design Plaza in Hall 3.1, everything revolves around lighting, architecture and design. Designer Annetta Palmisano from the bora.herke.palmisano style agency will be presenting the 2024/25 trends for lighting design every day. The team will also be staging the three themes in a trend presentation in Hall 3.1 Stand F81.They are “welcome tomorrow ”,”embrace Simplicity” and “Create Uniqueness”. 

The trend bureau gives this brief outlook: “The Light + Building trends 2024_25 take up the groundbreaking developments in the lighting sector and show a broad spectrum of resource-efficient manufacturing techniques, durable materials, traditional craftsmanship as well as modern, digital manufacturing technologies. The latest products meet sophisticated and specific design requirements and show the dialogue between the individual, the room and its lighting," An accompanying trend presentation will show how this is reflected in concrete terms in colours, shapes and materials.

The designers and developers ingeniously explore the innovative possibilities and create visionary designs.  With stunning visual and illusory effects such as reflections, movement, unreal colour glow as well as sensory lighting effects, they create a hypnotic, supernatural aesthetic. Craftsmanship and sophisticated technologies come together consistently in the trendsetting designs. Here, diverse and special designs with a distinctly unique character come together in an eclectic mix.  Striking shapes, expressive surfaces, unconventional designs - the interiors look like a select, curated collection of artistic pieces.  The use of very different materials, which come together in unexpected, contrasting combinations, is also eye-catching.


Claudia Herke, Cem Bora and Annetta Palmisano analyse international trends in fashion and art, interior and lifestyle for Messe Frankfurt.  With their many years of experience and great expertise in trend forecasting and materials research, they provide valuable guidance with analyses, lectures and inspiring special shows.


灯光是建筑世界的基本组成部分。它为视觉增添亮点,与建筑美学完美结合,同时还能达到有效功能实现。创新技术与前瞻性设计的结合更加让人期待。3.1号展厅的Design Plaza区将聚焦在照明、建筑和设计三大主题。来自bora.herke.palmisano设计工作室的设计师Annetta Palmisano将于3.1展厅F81展台展示2024/25年度的灯光设计趋势和“拥抱明天”、“保持简洁”和“创造独特”三大主题趋势。从3月3日至8日,设计师将就 2024/25年度灯具设计产生影响的社会影响和发展进行每日演讲。设计师对此发表展望:2024/25年度Light + Building趋势涵盖了照明领域的突破性发展,展示了广泛的资源节约型制造技术、耐用材料、传统工艺以及现代数字制造技术。最新产品满足了复杂而特殊的设计要求,展示了个人、房间和照明之间的对话。


Claudia Herke, Cem Bora和Annetta Palmisano将现场分析时尚和艺术,室内设计和生活方式的国际趋势。凭借其在趋势预测和材料研究方面的多年经验和专业知识,他们将通过分析和讲座为灯光设计趋势提供宝贵的意见支持。

Visionary designs create a hypnotic, supernatural aesthetic. Source: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH



Hall 3.1 focuses on decorative and technical, design-oriented lighting with presentationsbeing made, for example, by Artemide, Delta Light, 3F Filippi, Linea Light, Marinelli Luce,Prolicht and Targetti.Urban lighting for streets and public places will be shown by many companies including AEC Illuminazione, Benito Urban, Carandini, Eclatec, Fonroche, Leipziger Leuchten,Metalogalva, Ragni and Valmont in Hall 4.0. A floor higher, in Hall 4.1, visitors will find not only lighting for industry and special applications but also shop and theatre lighting, as well as emergency and safety lighting. Among the exhibitors taking part there will be Barthelme, Deko Light, Eaton, Inotec, Nobilé, Opple, Robus, Rutec, Radium, RP Group and SG Armaturen.The complete spectrum of decorative lighting is located in Hall 6 where the exhibitors include Authentage, Elstead Lighting, Fan Europe, Konstsmide, Lucide and Nordlux. 


3.1 号展厅的重点是以设计为重点的装饰性和技术性照明,展商包括Artemide、Delta Light、3F Filippi、Linea Light、Marinelli Luce、Prolicht 和Targetti。4号展厅将带来用于街道和公共场所的城市照明,展商包括AEC Illuminazione、Benito Urban、Carandini、Eclatec、Fonroche、Leipziger Leuchten、 Metalogalva、Ragni 和 Valmont。在 4.1号展厅,参观者不仅可以看到工业和特殊应用照明,还可以看到商店和剧院照明,以及应急和安全照明,展商包括 Barthelme、Deko Light、Eaton、Inotec、Nobilé、Opple、Robus、Rutec、Radium、RP Group 和 SG Armaturen。装饰照明展区位于6号展厅,展商包括Authentage、Elstead Lighting、Fan Europe、Konstsmide、Lucide和Nordlux。




On March 3, the stage will be under the sign of World Architects. The programme includes Talks + Tours with Sophia Klees at 11:00 a.m. and Prof. Andreas Schulz at 3 p.m. Further guided tours in English will take place on March 6 at 11 a.m. with Sabine De Schutter and at 2 p.m. with Ulrike Brandi.The Designplus Awards by Light + Building will be announced in the afternoon at 1.30 p.m. In cooperation with Stylepark, magazine & platform for architecture and design, Messe Frankfurt will present the awards. All award-winning products will be on display in a special show in the passageway of the foyer in Hall 5.1/6.1 for the entire duration of the fair. Architonic editor-in-chief Simon Keane-Cowell from the DAAily platform group will explore the challenges and opportunities as well as the latest developments in the world of lighting design and planning in a series of entertaining interviews on March 5. Included will be some of the best international A&D practitioners. Outstanding works in the field of lighting design will be honored with the German Lighting Design Award. The nominees for 2024 will be presented at Light + Building 2024. The Design Plaza will be all about light and lighting topics when the Lighting Association of the German Electro and Digital Industry Association (ZVEI) takes to the stage on Wednesday, March 6. This will bring together lighting experts for roundtable discussions on the topics of sustainability, efficiency and digitalization.For the first time, the IALD - International Association of Lighting Designers will also be a guest on stage on March 7, providing a day of high-quality content.On International Women's Day, March 8, the ‘Women in Lighting’ project will be celebrating its 5th anniversary at Light + Building. 



3月3日上午11点与下午3点Sophia Klees和Andreas Schulz教授将分别发表以“世界建筑师”为主题的演讲分享。同时,Light + Building设计大奖将于当日下午1:30公布。法兰克福展览集团将与建筑与设计杂志及Stylepark平台合作颁发奖项。在展会期间,所有获奖产品将在5.1和6.1展厅走廊特别展出。照明设计领域中的优秀作品将被授予德国照明设计奖,2024年度提名作品也将在Light + Building 2024上公布。3月5日Architonic的主编Simon Keane-Cowell将进行一系列深度采访,与会者涵盖众多知名国际A&D从业者,一同探讨照明设计和规划领域的挑战和机遇以及最新发展。3月6日上午11点和下午2点,将会有两场由Sabine De Schutter和Ulrike Brandi带来的英文导览活动。德国电气电子工程行业中心协会(ZVEI)将于3月6日在Design Plaza带来演讲活动,汇聚行业照明专家就可持续性、效率和数字化等主题进行圆桌讨论。国际照明设计师协会(IALD)也将首次在3月7日发表演讲。值得一提的是,在3月8日国际劳动妇女节,“照明领域的女性”项目将在Light + Building举办五周年庆祝活动。


The experts for light and lighting will be in the spotlight on the Exhibitor Stage in Hall 5.0. For the first time, there will be alternating specialist lectures and presentations by exhibitors from March 4 to 7.



Exhibitors present lighting solutions for all types of buildings. Special lighting concepts are the focus of presentations at the Design Plaza. (Source: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH)

参展商展示了各类建筑的照明解决方案,特殊照明的概念是Design Plaza展示的重点。(来源:法兰克福展览集团)




In close thematic proximity to home and building automation, as well as electrical engineering, the Building Plaza in Hall 9.0, the ZVEI Technology Forum in Hall 12.1 and the ZVEH E‑House in Hall 11.0 offer a great opportunity for knowledge transfer.


9号展厅的Building Plaza、12.1号展厅的ZVEI技术论坛和 11号展厅的ZVEH E-House将以家居和楼宇自动化以及电气工程为重点。届时,展商将向建筑师、室内建筑师、设计师、规划师、工程师和行业专家们展示建筑领域最新技术和解决方案。


The Building Plaza in Hall 9.0 is the meeting place for knowledge transfer, events and inspiration in the field of building-services technology. On Tuesday, 5 March 2024, the programme revolves around the subject of regenerative energies with numerous lectures and panel discussions being held under the motto ‘Storing and managing energy’. The programme continues on Wednesday and Thursday, 6 and 7 March 2024, with the first ‘Building in the Energy Transition’ congress. Under the heading ‘Light up the Future: Innovations for a sustainable energy supply in buildings and districts’, visitors can look forward to lectures, panel discussions and tours of the fair offering insights into the latest research from the field of sustainable energy supplies for buildings.


9 号展厅将展出电气工程、家庭和楼宇自动化以及联网安全、安保技术(Intersec Building)和智慧楼宇技术。位于9号展厅的Building Plaza是楼宇服务技术领域知识传播、活动举办和灵感迸发的聚集地。3月5日展会将围绕可再生能源,以“能源储存和管理”为主题举办多场讲座和小组讨论。首届“能源转型中的建筑大会”将于3月6至7日现场举办。会议以“点亮未来:楼宇和地区可持续能源供应的创新”为主题,与会者能够深入了解楼宇可持续能源供应领域的最新研究成果。

Covering photovoltaic systems, energy management and electromobility, ‘Sustainability’ is one of the top themes at Light + Building 2024. (Source: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH)

“可持续性”是Light + Building 2024的主题之一,涵盖光伏系统、能源管理和电动汽车。


Solutions for increasingly important subjects, such as PV systems and energy storage, dominate Halls 11 and 12. 70 of the exhibitors there are experts for the subjects of e‑mobility and charging infrastructure while 45 companies present innovations and products for decentralised energy-supply systems and components. Ten of them are specialists for photovoltaic systems. The key players in Halls 11 and 12 include ABB, ABL, Amperfied, Bosch Thermotechnik, Compleo Charging Solutions, Fronius, Go-e, Hager, Hensel, Hepa Solar, Legrand, Mennekes, OBO Bettermann, Phoenix Contact, Schneider Electric, Siemens, SMA, Senec, Spelsberg, Walther-Werke, Weidmüller and Wieland. For the first time, there will be a stage for specialist lectures and presentations by exhibitors in the building area in Hall 11.0. From March 4 to 7, experts will take turns here to impart know-how on selected topics from the built world.


11号和12号展厅主要展示了光伏系统和能源存储等解决方案,汇聚了70家来自电动汽车和充电基础设施领域的参展商,重点参展商包括:ABB, ABL, Amperfied, Bosch Thermotechnik, Compleo Charging Solutions, Fronius, Go-e, Hager, Hensel, Hepa Solar, Legrand, Mennekes, OBO Bettermann, Phoenix Contact, Schneider Electric, Siemens, SMA, Senec, Spelsberg, Walther-Werke, Weidmüller and Wieland。其中45家展商将带来分散式能源供应系统和组件的创新产品,10家展商是光伏系统领域的专家。11号展厅的建筑区将首次设立专业讲座和参展商演讲,从3月4至7日,专家们将在此就建筑主题分享真知灼见。


ZVEI Technology Forum, Hall 12.1 The electrification and digitalization of the building sector is the focus of the ZVEI Technology Forum. Experts from ZVEI member companies will take a manufacturer-neutral and cross-product look at innovative solutions and systems as well as changes to standards. The focus of the ZVEH's E-House in 2024 will be on the topics of ‘energy efficiency’, ‘sustainable energy supply’ and ‘smart health’. Among other things, it will showcase an integrated energy management system that incorporates a PV system, storage unit and heat pump as well as charging infrastructure for e-mobility.


ZVEI技术论坛将在12.1号展厅举办,重点关注建筑行业的电气化和数字化。来自ZVEI成员公司的专家将以制造商中立的眼光看待创新的解决方案和系统以及标准的变化。同时,本次ZVEH's E-House将重点关注“能源效率”、“可持续能源供应”和“智能健康”,它将展示一个集光伏系统、储能装置、热泵与电动汽车充电基础设施一体的综合能源管理系统。


更多详细信息请参见Light + Building活动日历:www.light-building.com/events


Light + Building——世界领先的照明和建筑服务技术博览会。本届Light + Building 展览会将于2024年3月3至8日举行。www.light-building.messefrankfurt.com


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