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SBID International Design Awards 2014获奖名单揭晓

点击: 30946 次 来源: 美国室内设计中文网 时间: 2014-11-15

      2014年11月14日(星期五),SBID International Design Awards 2014(SBID Awards)在英国伦敦公园路(Park Lane)极富盛名的多彻斯特酒店(The Dorchester Hotel)揭晓了今年的获奖名单,台湾大易国际在'Retail Design'类别中夺得桂冠。


      The winners of this year’s SBID International Design Awards are(获奖名单如下):

Retail Design
Taiwan DaE International Design for Zen Resort & Spa Sales Center in Yichun City, China

Hotel Design
Wilson Associates for JW Marriott Hotel in New Delhi, India

KBB Project
Mal Corboy Design Ltd for Hekarua Bay in Waiheke Island, New Zealand

Intelligent Design
Avocado Sweets for Stoke Newington Apartment in London, UK

Interior Design Project under £1M
Hill House Interiors for London Riverside Penthouse in London, UK


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